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Monday, December 21, 2009


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Very "Rockwell" like.

Greensboro Daily Photo

Thanks Mr B2, as Ft. Lauderdale Daily Photo, I'm sure you are glad this scene isn't in your neck of the woods! We're sunny and cold today, enough black ice to have schools on a 3 hour delay!



I have some "blizzard" (Greensboro-style)photo from the 50s of my brothwer and me on a sled (a real sled with runners) Glad I had so much fun then, because I'm not at all tempted now!
I'll bet the mom is making hot choclate. You have such a nice way of seeing a story in your pictures.


This is a beautiful picture and thought, as is the grandson one above.


What a great picture! It could be a Christmas card. I'm sure that the frozen toes and fingers was worth it.

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