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Sunday, December 13, 2009


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leif hagen

What a great tradition! There are some adults that also need to learn the true reason for the Christmas season! Bravo!


I absolutely love this idea. I may have to borrow it and plan something next year for our benefactors' families. Thanks to you, I knew immediately what the Moravian Star is.


What a lovely idea! It reminds me of having my English Setter puppy's photo made with Santa Paws. We were in line for some time, and by the time we got to Santa, we had wiped out an aisle of reptile cages, hamster habitats and some small pellet like food. It was truely a religious experience when my now frantic puppy seized the beard of Santa and gave a playful shake. We were not invited back for a re-shoot. I'm not trying to compare my puppy to one's children; however, I would suggest that a high protein snack and some calm talk before the event might be in order. It's just a lovely thought.

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