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Tuesday, November 03, 2009


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Amazing, and you are much further north!


Beautiful colors. I think this week they will be "zapped" - if we get the predicted frost. It is a little late in coming (which has been nice!) I think we usually get at least one frosty night in October.


So pretty, a final splash of color before winter!

Nanny Foster

I'm on staff at UNCG. We have a gallery that is part of our center. Would you ever be interested in showing your photos with us?

Amanda Moore

stunning color, who wouldn't want to wake up to that splash of color everyday!


You KNEW I would love this one...you have a wonderful eye to see beauty of all stages. Thanks for your thinking of me with color.
I love your BLOG. Hope you take the UNCG invitation to have a showing of your photos. What an honor. Keep on keeping on.
Yours, June

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