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Saturday, November 14, 2009


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Must belong to a Wise Ol' Owl~


That is so cute! Great advertising for the artist too.


Another excellent painted vehicle. Whoo hoo to the artist!

mary stebbins Taitt

Very cool truck!!! Nice story! :-D

Greensboro Daily Photo

I saw Leanne at an arts and crafts show today at the Yanceyville Farmers' Curb Market and learned that since 1998, this truck has been painted about 14 times.

Leanne chimed, "Yes, it has had rabbits, flowers, owls... lots of things.. It is due for another paint job."

Imagine painting your vehicle more than once a year! What a canvas-- and mobile at that!

barbara farr


you're right. You get the two them together and it would be an amazing sight I am sure. I love her little owls. Thanks for sharing.

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