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Wednesday, November 25, 2009


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sooooooooooo soon too


Awww, what a wonderful picture for S!!


He looks like a proper Santa as well, no grubbiness in sight!

hip chick

I remember a Santa that was at the local drugstore down the street. He looked just like the real thing and was so gentle and cheery with the kids. My children just loved him. We went back every year until they outgrew him. It's sort of sad when they outgrow Santa.

Sylvia Kirkwood

Great shot! He does seem to come a little earlier every year. My kids would have loved that when they were little. And, yes, the season is upon us!! The older I get the faster time passes!

Happy Thanksgiving!


John McDevitt

Hi Jan. Thanks for stopping by The Aware Writer to visit with my grand babies. Seems that Santa shows up earlier and earlier each year. Your photo of Santa captures some of the magic of childhood and Christmas.

I visited Greensboro on many occasions in the late 1980s while working on an architectural project for Ciba-Geigy. I remember the people as warm and friendly. I always felt welcome in Greensboro.

Have a warm and wonderful Thanksgiving.


I liked your idea of visiting neighbors, so I came to visit you.
We must think kinda' alike since I have a pokeweed picture too! Thanks for introducing yourself.


Hmmm... I don't like these Father Christmases. They are partly the reason why kids don't believe in 'Santa' after age 4 anymore.


Ah, perfect for today! I do believe Santa is arriving here on Saturday!


Seems a little bit early, but it's fun and surely on the way. Santa doesn't arrive here until Friday but signs are increasing that he's near here. Nice photo!

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