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Monday, November 16, 2009


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Well observed.


The mother a bit reluctantly sending/letting the boy go off to learn . . . so fitting for a school doorway.
Is that the "Holy Family"? It is unusual (for me, at least) to see Joseph in such a "touching" pose.
Who teaches at Catholic schools these days? Are there still nuns who teach?


Interesting subject

Greensboro Daily Photo


I called OLG and YES, this is the Holy Family. Also, this is a spot where many teachers take their classes for group photos, especially when the azaleas are in bloom! The rewards of having this blog are learning so much and talking to so many people. Thanks for asking questions. It shows that people are INTERESTED!


Thanks for investigating.
Sure your readers are interested. I, especially, having been away from America for so long, have a lot to learn about life there.

John McDevitt

The ethereal glow of the three makes this shot. Well done indeed.

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