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Saturday, November 28, 2009


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That is just as pretty an Autumn scene as can be!
We have been way too busy this week to even post a new photo but will get back to it . Best thing I saw all week was a Cowbird in a parking lot, not too interesting even to the Cow bird!
I do not golf but that would make a lovely walk.


Wow! This is the connection between people and nature at its best! The colors are just magic! Very beautiful photo!
I am sorry, I was not able to atop by lately. I am working on a different project and I am not able to post even on my blog. I try my best to help my Mom with her blog. I promise to try to stop by more often in the future. I miss visiting my blogging friends - it is so inspiring! Thank you!


Lovely shot!


I think I shall get back into golf. When I first retired I played most every day. But I haven't played now for over 3 years.

Scenes like this are too tempting, however, and my resistance is weakening.

Great shot. The colors are absolutely stunning!


Delicious colors!

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