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Sunday, November 15, 2009


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This is a lovely, pretty church and I love your soft treatment of the photo. Have a wonderful Sunday!


At first I thought the Moravians were fighting for birds' rights: "Mor - Avian"?

Nah, I'm just kidding!

Moravians, as I recall, preach a "simple" religion - that is, without adornment - and thus their church looks much like an old-time schoolhouse.

Their cookies are to die for.

mary stebbins Taitt

A lovely photo of a lovely church! :-D


The autumn leaves really enhance the simple beauty of this church. It's great that you support it by going to tea. Happy Sacred Sunday.


I've heard (vaguely) about the Moravians but have never seen one of their churches. Thanks for this big one.


I love passing by this church. I had no idea it was that "young"; I think the simple but elegant architecture makes it seem older and is very appealing. It fits in well with the charming neighborhood that surrounds it. Before moving to Greensboro I had never seen a Moravian star lantern at Christmas, once I saw them the first Christmas I was here I had to have one, I found mine at Old Salem. While there I toured the Moravian church at Old Salem/Salem College. There is usually a member there to provide history of the religion and the building. I've found it to be very similar to Lutheranism and other Protestant denominations.

hip chick

What a great photo. You managed to get the entire church in there. Very nice light also.

Greensboro Daily Photo

Dear Commenters:

Hip ChichK there is another entire building, plus the manse that didn't make the photo. However, after squatting and stretching on South Elam, I did manage to fit in a side view of the length of the building without getting phone wires in the shot. Thanks for noticing.

And yes, Sam/Cieldequimper (of Versailles Daily Photo Fame), I did soften the edges a bit. You ladies don't miss a trick! Finally, to our dear friend Jane, thank you for reminding us of the Putz (the manger scence) on the stage. We know they will spend a lot of time putting that together. Hopefully, GDP can get by to photograph it in December.

Today's comments have been a nice blend of local and international. We wish every day were like that at GDP! Thanks all!

Bill B.

To be honest, I've never heard of them.

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