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Sunday, November 01, 2009


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What grand doorways. I would have mistaken this building for a bank or a college building. It must have a huge congregation.


Oh the trees are already bare! A lot of them are still green here!


That's a big church.

Greensboro Daily Photo

Cieldequimper-- you are so observant.

In Greensboro, the trees are just now losing their leaves. I took this photo last winter and pulled it out of the archives to use for the City Daily Photo theme day today because, without the leaves, you have a clear view of the entranceways!

We have wanted to feature this church for Sacred Sunday and are just now getting around to it!

julie scottsdaledailyphoto.com

very interesting post and doorway for theme day.


Rather typical of the old "tabernacle" style...I'll bet it has a round gallery on the second floor...

And from you description, it's not likely to be a PCA church...probably United ...

Lovely photo!


This is quite a grand beautiful Church! Cheers and thanks for the visit!


I'm always happy to come here for Sacred Sunday...or any other day, for that matter. Thanks for the recommendation of Menton Daily Photo - very interesting shots of the Monastery of the Annunciation (English cuz I can't spell the French without looking).

Also, a little overdue information: The best I can find out about 1st Baptist Church, etc. is that it is a group that has separated from another group. Henceforth, 1st Baptist, 2nd Baptist etc. So, it's kind of a denomination within a denomination.

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