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Tuesday, November 10, 2009


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I love the red accents that seem to only enhance that very interesting and really beautiful banana tree. Have you tasted its fruit?

Hootin' Anni

Love it....and how you compared it all to the "Yearling".

My R T is posted. In honor of Veterans [kinda sorta]...it's museum quality to be sure.

Click Here

Happy Tuesday to you!


House and red tree looks so friendly and familiar, but I am so not used to banana trees! Yes, the light on the porch has an aura of expectation.

Nedekcir PA

I also saw a picture of banana tree in Michigan. So, yours is not so unusual. Happy RT.


Wonderful Pic, I love all the reds. 8~)
ps I do wonder who is being waited for


the house is lovely
and all of the foliage is beautiful!!

Gayle in Alaska

That is hard to believe it is student housing. Looks like a wonderfully peaceful retreat.


Such a beautiful sight - lovely ruby. Banana plant is gorgeous - does it give fruits in our climate?
I remember some folks in Bulgaria were raising lemon trees for decoration - but they never gave fruit - was too cold.


To answer your question - we still have some colored leaves on the trees here in Raleigh but not as much as they were couple weeks ago during the fair, when I took the picture of the water mill. It was great - they gave us free hush puppies from the flour that is milled there - yum.


That must be on the other end of Spring Garden, 'cause I'd surely remember seeing a banana tree in a temperate zone!

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