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Friday, November 13, 2009


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I love that red tree. Beautiful!

Jim K

Thats a wonderful color.

Bill B.

Looks more like New England than N.C.


Beautiful trees that make up for gray days. Well shot.

Jane Mitchell

"Après la pluie, le beau temps." JTM


Beautiful trees! Wonderful Pic! Our weather has been yucky lately.I hope it's better by tomorrow.


Dreary skies and a bright red Autumn tree in full leaf, now I can dream of real Autumn!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!


A splash of color in dreary weather. Beautiful color!


This looks vaguely familiar, is it near Wesley Long? That's the only place I can remember going recently that would have been on/near Friendly Ave.


Oh, and that sky in my SWF? That was from last Sunday and it's the last blue we've seen since then!

Oz Girl

Absolutely gorgeous! That red is so vibrant and deep it almost doesn't look real. What a great shot.


Thanks for visiting.
That such a fantastic photo of maple.
live in this building things a little difficult, is an office building but this whole year so pretty.
Have a nice day.


What an absolutely fantastic color!


A beautiful riot of colour - the flaming red is spectacular.
Melbourne Daily Photo


What a great splash of color the tree provides. The red definitely brightens up the area. Thanks for visiting neighbor, have a great rest of the weekend.


For a California boy who doesn't see a lot of fall color this is breathtaking!

A. C.

That was my wedding day. <3 Glad the photo is so appropriate.

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