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Thursday, November 26, 2009


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Bill B.

What a talent. Thanks for sharing.


Janis: call me. My computer will not let me access my e-mail. Love ALS. As a child when my grandmother was hospitalized at St. Leo's (southwest corner of Summit and Bessemer Avenues) I spent a fair amount of time playing in the grotto on the hospital gounds. It too was a Schlosser creation.


Beautiful stonework and a most meaningful post for this special day.
Wishing you and your family a blessed and happy Thanksgiving!


Wow, what a gorgeous autumn picture


Another gorgeous view! I see more color in your photos - is it a new technique?

Greensboro Daily Photo

The technique is called getting outside on a sunny day. Light can really perk up and add color to a photograph! Plus, I LOOK for color! Thanks for noticing, Ellie. I, too, thought this was a colorful week.

Too bad people are too busy eating turkey to look much! Stats remain the same but comments down!


Jan, it has been a bad week for comments. The list of my incoming ones is all screwy. And many comments I wrote to others, e.g. on this very post, disappeared.


I hope your Thanksgiving weekend was blessed.

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