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Thursday, October 08, 2009


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Cool. It looks like an arch gone modern.


Never been there but I could imagine taking photography courses there after entering the camera through the lens!:-)


I live in Greensboro and every time I take Lee St to cut over to 85 I see this building and although I'm not crazy about that type of architecture, I've always liked this entrance. I just found this site tonight...and am loving looking at all the places I pass by often, and some that I've never seen before - I've added the feed to my blog so I can check back every day. Thanks!


Oh wow! I've got almost this exact same shot. It was my last entry in David McMahon's "The Doors" before he "retired" from blogging.
http://mojo11.blogspot.com/2009/06/doors-18-quantum-tunnel.html I thought it was just a public library, I didn't realize it had all this going on. Of course, my shot was a "drive-by" so I didn't have time to read all the welcome information.


And there's something wonky going on with your comment process. Seems like every time I try to submit one I get a "coredump" of information, but I can click the "more..." link right above here and then hit the back button to return to the comment form and everything works fine.

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