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« Thinking Pink in NC | Main | Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses »

Saturday, October 24, 2009


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Charity work is so important. Your photo is absolutely gorgeous. Wonderful church green, beautiful church and I love the little "pink movement"! ;-)


It is funny that you posted this one today - I was sitting at the intersection there last night during the gorgeous sunset we had, I was looking at the patch and I thought - that pumpkin lot would make a good picture for GDP! I'm glad you thought so too :) It is funny, now that I've found your great site I look around more thinking about what would make a great picture!


I really like it when charity work also meets the needs of consumers. Everyone's happy and everyone wins.

Greensboro Daily Photo


Please let us know when you get an idea. Some weeks, we're loaded with pictures and ideas. Other times, we're working hard to come up with ideas-- especially when it gets dark early or when it is raining hard!

Thanks for looking!

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