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Thursday, October 29, 2009


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I had no idea that William Magnum also sculpted! Thanks for that tidbit...only 8:18 am and I've learned my "something new" for today :)


When I saw the thumbnail in the portal, I thought they were fish! Then disembodied legs. My second guess isn't too far off… ;)

Greensboro Daily Photo

In one day, the yellow leaves have turned brown. Now the color of this border!


I love the way the sculpture looks with the autumn leaves behind it.


Quite a sculpture! Looks like he is holding an oil lamp. Wish I could post the unusual decoration of one we found yesterday. Unfortunately I am not at liberty to publish photos of our dig finds. But I will try to give you a taste of the adventure of the dig, soon.


Extraordinary and fascinating. Love the way you photographed it.

Grace Elizabeth Mangum

This is not the work of Greensboro watercolorist William Mangum, but the work of my father William Goodson Mangum - painter, sculptor and former Chairman and professor of the Art Department at Salem College. Please correct the attribution of this sculpture.

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