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« First Baptist Church at Night | Main | Downtown Greensboro »

Monday, October 12, 2009


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It would make a nice home for a large family.

Bill B

With a little updating, it can be beautiful once again.


It's a big suburban house. But slapdash bedsheets as curtains tell of a lack of the feminine touch maybe.


A shame to see these grand old houses go to ruin. After a while I guess they become too expensive to fix.


Pretty landscape .. it would work as a postcard

Alice Moore

One way to track occupancy is to use the Greensboro City Directories for turn of the century. They are available at the G'boro Public Library main location in the Greensboro history locked section. I doubt the house dates much earlier than that, or probably would not have changed ownership that oftec. Good Luck!


That would be a fun house to fix up given the money and time.

Mami Picture

☼¨`*•.♥Beautiful House♥.•*¨`☼
Have a Lovely♥Day!
~Rocío a.k.a."Mamí♥Picture"

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