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« House on East Lee Street | Main | Guilford Co. Sheriff's Office »

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


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Great picture! I love downtown Greensboro. The first two years I lived here I worked for Jefferson Pilot and loved working in that building and going outside to walk Elm Street during lunch time. Thank you for the nice comment you wrote on my blog!

WNC Mountains

Great photo - love the blue on the building. Thnaks for stopping by - life just gets in the way of blogging sometimes. Hope to be back on regularly. Have been busy but no time to write. Scrolled down to the post on black walnuts - we have them on our land but I didn't know what they were. Now I know! Hapy Tuesday!


Agree - may be Spider man. Very impressive buildings. Look very much "big city". The one on the left is very pretty.
The bear called parrot is in the Sofia Zoo, Bulgaria. Nobody cared to fix the sign.

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