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« Christ United Methodist Church | Main | Yum Yum Ice Cream-- Since 1907 »

Monday, September 21, 2009


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Sounds like a piece of living history.

Bill B

I'll be on the lookout for one.

This Eclectic Life

Oh, if they would clap for me when I come in, I'd love the place! That's a fun shot, and it looks like they are emptying their plates!


That's a good shot. Works out very well in monochrome.


Nice slice of life shot

Jane Mitchell

The last time I was at the Village Tavern an elderly gentleman at the next table with his buddies nodded to me as if he knew me. As we paid our check, we overheard the cashier talking to the waiter about the men at that table, laughingly referring to them as Romeos--"Retired Old Men Eating Out." JTM


Full of life. Nice capure.


Very beautiful setting, with the lights and the real chairs!
The best part is all those people socializing - gathering together for a yummy bite and chat!

Clueless in Boston

I like this shot a lot. A real slice of life.

ken mac


Calico Crazy

It looks like a great place to eat.


I like taking sneaky shots in restaurants and cafes.

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