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Monday, September 28, 2009


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You will have to update s when the work is done.


This does make a good black and white photograph. It's got a lot going on too with the trailer and construction equipment as well as the building.


What are these trailers for? Are those office buildings?


A construction site always gives you a lot to look at. I hope they will finish soon.

julie scottsdaledailyphoto.com

nice geometric shapes and i like the monochrome feel. i also like your bookmobile photo. great shot and your wonderful encouragement to read.

John V. Ebel

The building in this photo is the Bryan School of Business and Economics, which stands on the northwest corner of Stirling St. and Spring Garden St. The Mossman Administration Building is a red brick building on the east side of Stirling St. If you turn towards the right from your position at Yum-Yum, you will see it across Spring Garden St. on the northeast corner.

Brittany Atkinson

I am a student at the Bryan School and President of the Bryan School Student Advisory Council, a student organization that links students to the Dean, provides professional events and community service. Our group absolutely loves your photo! Would you be willing to allow us to use your photo on our website? We are updating to be more appealing to students, and think your photo would be a lovely addition to the new page banner. We would of course give you full credit.

Please just let me know if this would be okay.

Greensboro Daily Photo

Yes, Brittany you may use the photo. Thank you for asking and for giving us credit. It is our hope that UNCG students and alumi will visit Greensboro Daily Photo as a way to stay connected to the Greensboro Community.

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