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Tuesday, September 29, 2009


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leif hagen

Great pumpkin photo! I just took a pumpkin photo last weekend and will be posting it soon! 3 for $10 is a deal! Kind regards from EAGAN daily photo

Abraham Lincoln

Your pumpkins look almost exactly like the pumpkins grown here in Ohio. We do have the occasional "green" pumpkins and some lunatic grows them in square boxes so he can charge five dollars more for a "Square" pumpkin.

I am thankful you stopped and left a comment on my blog about my book, My Life as Abraham Lincoln because while looking at it and giving you the requested paragraphs to read or to "hook" you as you suggested, I thought I need to do that for myself and let people read it. What a blog that will be.


Those are very nice Pumpkins and I would know, for 14 years I was the local "Pumpkin Lady" and taught kids about how they grow,what can be done with them and then let the kids loose into the corn maze!
That was at Foothill Ranch, now closed after many, many years.
3 for $10 really is a good deal!
We are finally getting some cooler weather (middle 80s) so it is starting to feel like fall here in So Cal.
Picking, prepping and fielding pumpkins is a tough job but so worth it when the afternoons turn sunny over a field of golden ,orange Pumpkins!


I love this time of year!!


I see them everywhere. My 7 years old wants to be Lava Turtle on Halloween - it is some character from Mario Nintendo game - I have no clue - I am trying to lure him into more conventional costume - Batman or something. I like the sight of pumpkins and autumn leaves - so cozy - I can almost smell a pie :)

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