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« Foucault Pendulum in Greensboro | Main | The Natural Science Center of Greensboro »

Tuesday, September 01, 2009


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I've not heard of this tradition. Good idea.


Oh hey, that's a great idea!

Bill B

Unfortunately, all my collage traditions involved a bar and beer.

Jane Mitchell

At my institution, Mary Baldwin College in Staunton,Va. we used to have Apple Day in the fall with no classes and a day of picnicking and fun. As I recall, students at our own UNCG used to paint the statue of Mciver in front of the library. JTM

Rick Jaymz

The rock looks like it is glowing! It seeems pretty neat, but I don't think it would take off as well here...

Here at Auburn University, they do not have rocks like this, but they do have the Tiger Art, which is similar to many community art projects, only with Tigers. Students get to paint and create giant Tiger Sculptures, some of which turned out pretty neat, and many of them stand at Tiger Town(The big shopping district) Also, every year, the graduating class paints a mural, where they paint a mural somewhere in town, and each student signs there name and a message.


I had never heard of this custom, sounds like fun to me, but is this stone big enough for all messages?

Lee Spangler

Had to see your post for today. Good job as usual. It rocks!(boo, hiss)Is Greensboro College private or public?

Greensboro Daily Photo

Lee: Greensboro College is private. It was founded in 1838 and is affiliated with the Methodist Church.

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