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Sunday, August 30, 2009


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Just lighting a cigarette...


P.S.: it's a really nice photograph, lovely composition.

Jane Mitchell

A modern-day cemetery? What a statement this is! JTM


Interesting comments above! Beautiful foreground of green lush plants
with the pretty little church in the background.
As always it is what human beings do with those plants or their lives that make them good or evil...

East Gwillimbury WOW!

I like the title of this post. ;-) Perfect!


Great shot! A real symbol of today's struggle over good and evil. The spirit is willing but the body is weak!

Happy Sacred Sunday!


That´s what tobacco looks like...beautiful photo. The church is growing from the field and everything is full of life.


You asked about possible other Sacred Sunday posts. I just happen to stumble on www.magnoliadailyphoto.blogspot.com (Jackson Daily Photo) who had two posts of Churches on August 16 and 23. There seemed to be a pattern emerging, but they didn't continue this past Sunday. However, there is potential that they might join us in a Sacred Sunday awareness. Father Adam


Holy smokes!

Greensboro Daily Photo

Dina's comment is PRICESLESS!

Greensboro Daily Photo

Dina's comment is PRICELESS, too!

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