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« Singing in the I-40 Rain! | Main | National Conference of Christians and Jews »

Saturday, August 01, 2009


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Sweet. Looks like a good night.
Hope it was warm rain on the girls. (Here that's an oxymoron because it only rains in winter.)
Nice lively night theme picture.


In the rain? Poor things!

Abraham Lincoln

Cool picture. I like the barefoot look.

It is a cool, 63 degrees here at 6:00 AM in Ohio on this August 1st, 2009. Not bad. I slept under a blanket last night. We set the coldest July ever recorded last month. I hope you get some relief this month.


I couldn't post yesterday, I loved the shot!
Here I love the odd one out wearing... boots! It's a lovely theme day post!


What a super shot. I love a'cappella and you've captured their concentration, their enthusiasm and their energy so beautifully.


Lovely mix. The boots jumped out at me and singing in the rain is real dedication. Your locals are a lot friendlier than mine.


Those boots are soaked! hahaha They all still look like they are into the performance, despite the weather conditions. Nicely captured

Clueless in Boston

Nice interpretation of the theme. The young women look like they were having fun singing in the rain.


Great shot! And a reminder to never wear leather in the rain. I probably would have had flipflops or been barefoot also. Their song, "Rush Together" is terrific - very nice voices.

Unfortunately, it was raining here Friday night and I passed on going to the last Hickory Alive.


Great shot for theme day!


They are so deep into the experience - barefoot in the rain - so enchanting!

Sports clothing

Nice picture! I like it

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