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Friday, August 28, 2009


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J Bar

Great shot.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Sally in WA

I remember spending time on a tobacco farm as a kid in Maryland. There were lots of tobacco fields, especially towards Southern Maryland.

Pagan Sphinx

I hate to sound like a broken record but your photographs just slay me! At least I don't believe I've ever stated it quite that way! :-)

P.S. I can't seem to leave a comment with the URL I'm putting in, which is correct. I get a message saying it's invalid. ???


That's a beautiful shot. I've been encouraged by some of the sucess with initiative to change from tobacco farming to other crops. I read some articles about that, in terms of NC, and it sounded promising. In Durham the American Tobacco Campus has involved renovating buildings that used to be part of the large tobacco companies prescence and are now used for arts, busniesses, etc. There is an elaborate water garden in the middle of that area. I was a very addicted smoker and finally stopped 8 years ago but I still chew nicotene gum. I have been with loved ones at the end of their fight with lung cancer. I do feel bad for farmers but I hate cigarettes. I am glad their are efforts in some parts of the state to help family farms that used to grow tobacco crops switch to other crops. Sorry if I'm babbling.

Greensboro Daily Photo

Thank you, Carver, for sharing your personal story as well as the information regarding North Carolina's TRANSITION from tobacco to better crops. Farmers are assisted and addiction to nicotene is, perhaps, diminishing. Sally, tobacco doesn't come to mind when I think about Southern MD. I'm learning something new every day.

Finally, Thank you Pagan Sphinx. At this point in the blog, praise is not coming along too often. Thank you for alerting us to the fact that there problems with the URL. We'll have to get Mr. GDP working on that one. If you liked today's photo, please stop back by on Sunday. We'll share a lighthearted follow up!!!

Have a great Sky Watch Friday.


I quit smoking 11 months ago, but still find the tobacco very attractive plant :) I also like old Carolina barns for drying tobacco.

Susie of Arabia

I never knew the tobacco plant was so pretty! It's a beautiful shot and a lovely sky - perfect for SkyWatch!


I saw scenes like this a lot when I was growing up in Eastern NC. And the mule drawn sleds that were used to haul the tobacco to the barn. Nice sky watch and thanks for the memory! And at one time Maryland had about 1,000 tobacco growers. From 2000 to 2005, the state paid farmers to stop growing tobacco and switch to other crops. About 85% of the growers did and in 2007 there was no tobacco auction. See article here http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/02/28/AR2007022800006.html


Super!!!!Greeting for Bulgaria.

luna miranda

that's a beautiful shot. the tobacco-free movement will be hard on tobacco farmers, but i;m sure they'd have options. many of our tobacco farmers here have switched to crops for biofuel.


interesting history and excellent perspective!

Guy D

Very unique shot, I love it.

Have a great weekend
Regina In Pictures


I like pictures of crops in row on row, even if it IS tobacco.


Love how the plants lead your eye to the sky.


A fantastic photo! I love the contrast of the tobacco green against the blue sky. Wonderful! Thanks for stopping by my blog, and for the comment about the Sudoku story. It was one of those moments that stands out in a parent's mind.

David B

Using the fortunes made in tobacco, Duke University, NC State, UNC-Chapel Hill were built. Not to mention some smaller colleges. And in an ironic turn around, this week, Duke announces construction of a $700 Million Cancer Center.


Cool, I don't think I had ever seen it this close.


Love the angle of this shot! And I love that Southern red soil. Brings back memories of my days spent in the South with my husband.


I don't think I've ever seen a tobacco plant up close like this before. I guess they do need those blue skies to flourish.


What a neat shot, I love it!


Beautiful photo!


If you ever primed it, thats the worst photo on this blog.

Just kidding nice photo.


Love it. The composition is great.

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