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Wednesday, August 12, 2009


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lol! it's funny...I think they can borrow my big umbrella...

J Bar

Great wet shot for Watery Wednesday.
Sydney - City and Suburbs


I love a good rain. I do need to get a BIGGER umbrella though, mine only has room for one!
Watery Wednesday


A similar sort of Solstice to ours. We never saw the sun.


Truly amazing photograph!!

I can hear the rain and the peoples voices.
This pictures really tells a story.
I love it!

You're talented that's for sure!
Have a great day :)



What a lovely photo! Not the water per se, but the effects of the water!!


What a wonderful picture! I love rain photos-- and I love the smiles. These people are exuding happiness!


Wonderful observation! It is true - must be little trouble that gives us the kick to look for one another and get closer and move in sync :) They take it well - with a smile - or is it a little discomfort because they forgot how to be close to other people.


This shot makes me smile.
It looks like the people are happy, despite the rain.
You seldom find this in our environment these days.
Great shot!

mary taitt

Very nice photo, sort of old-tymey looking. Sweet! Fun to see.


Much braver than I would have been. lol Gotta love the summer in NC.. totally unpredictable!

storyteller at Small Reflections

What a 'fun' reminder on this rainy day ;--)
Hugs and blessings,


This is a wonderful photo. I love situations that bring folks together in such a cheerful way!


What an awesome photo! The good in people tends to come out in times of need :)


So, what you're saying is that these are all nice people, even if they don't know enough to come in out of the rain? ;-)

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