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« The Saltbox | Main | The Biltmore Hotel in Downtown Greensboro »

Friday, August 07, 2009


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Dramatic sky, stark tanks and that color brown in foregrownd. I love it!


You can feel the power all around--in the tanks, in their name, in the sky.

dan thompson

Cool photo the boldness of it reminds me of a painting.


The sky is beautiful in this picture!


This is one of the photos that could be a painting. You know the Libra harmony alwasy please. I see the dark blue of the highway in one corner and the darkest blue of the gathering storm in the opposite. This photo can be said to have captured hesitating power. Yes, I like it very much. Good shot!!


I remember seeing this last week... I thought I'd left a comment, but maybe I was speechless. I love the way the clouds just graze the tops of each of the containers. And such a pretty grey-blue for stormclouds.


I love the ominous cloud bank overtaking the drums! There is a really good Sci-fi story in there somewhere!

Plumbing supplies

The drums looks very illuminated maybe because of sky. I also like the way the sky formed. Great.

long island plumbers

Is this a real photograph or is it a painting? I'm a little confused. Also, thank you for sharing the location of this plantation pipeline.

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