The National Conference of Christians and Jews was founded as an interfaith organization in 1927. To be more inclusive and appeal to members of all faiths, the organization was renamed the National Conference for Community and Justice -- NCCJ in both instances. The organization's objectives include promoting harmony between people with different belief systems and ethnic backgrounds. One important event for the organization hosts is Anytown, where high school students come together to learn conflict management and how not to judge, bully, discriminate, or have biases against others. Today, August 2, 2009, Anytown Session II kicks off another weeklong session in Greensboro.
Rabbi Fred Guttman and Reverend Mark Sills are co-recipients of the organization's 2009 Citation Award. In 1991, Local Chief Justice Henry E. Frye was awarded the Brotherhood Award when the organization was still called the National Conference of Christians and Jews. The above photo is of the Fisher Park office, located across the street from the First Presbyterian Church. Follow the above Anytown link to see photos of last year's participants.
Nice to know the organization is still alive and well.
And you have a branch right in your own town!
Posted by: Dina | Sunday, August 02, 2009 at 08:12 AM
Indeed, this is a great post. Wouldn't that be great if we could achieve harmony and peace among all faiths?
As per your request, I posted the stained glass window. Thanks for asking.
Posted by: FA | Sunday, August 02, 2009 at 02:29 PM
Thank you for posting the stained glass window from the INSIDE! Just as I suspected, the window is stunning and so perfect for this sacred Sunday!
Posted by: Greensboro Daily Photo | Sunday, August 02, 2009 at 07:16 PM
Not only is it a beautiful building, the landscaping is equally lovely. Now I know what NCCJ stands for!
Posted by: Stephany | Wednesday, August 05, 2009 at 09:44 PM