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Wednesday, August 19, 2009


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Very clever "E"! At least they weren't Evicted!


Good choice for E.

Bill B

It's nice it is being preserved but too bad you need a bigger jail.


Wow ... it's a shame we can't do that in England. If the government needs the land our buildings are on, they simply get knocked down. LOL!


Too had that they won't be on the same soil. Aren't there enough millions in jail already?

Ginia Zenke

Bill B: We don't need a bigger jail. Changes in processing people awaiting booking and trial have been speeded up, easing off the logjam of cases languishing in the court system. In addition, the County, which has this downtown facility as well as one for High Point (its a two town county) has a prison farm in Gibsonville. Within the past few months, the NC State owned prison, also near Gibsonville, has shut down due to state budget cuts. The estimate for the jail started at 114 million, but due to the recession is down to around 90 million. Even for that, Guilford County could lease the State facility for quite a number of years for 90 million. That would free up a block of valuable downtown tax-producing real estate that would give more people room, and incentive, to live and work downtown, which is struggling to attract residents and businesses that stay longer than 3-5 years.

Jay in England:
Its the same here:We voluntarily moved our Mother's house to avoid eminent domain, and outside of the swap in real estate with the county, recieved no assistance from the County or City for our personal residence. The house in the photograph and the unseen 1910 duplex are eligible for public funds to assist the move for redevelopment. The duplex was headed to a nearby college property, but that fell through due to financial issues at the college. So at the last minute, we have heard that it turns out that structure is eligible to fill in what is a parking lot streetscape in front of a National Landmark, something that the City Planners advocate. We don't want to see the building end up as landfill so we are working with Preservation Greensboro Development Fund and the City to see if something can be worked out. And the County Jail will commence construction first of 2010 and EVERYONE is anxious.....Thanks so much for your interest and input!

Carol Poling

I live in Greensboro and I didn't realize they are moving these historic buildings. Thanks for raising awareness, as well as capturing history in photographs. CP

Sally in WA

I think it is wonderful that these houses are being preserved. Kudos to the Zenke family and Preservation Greensboro!

I hope you post pictures one day of the buildings in their new "home".


A most creative e!


Very interesting and I like the way you used the theme letter. I'm glad old homes like these are being preserved.



Roger Green

my post last week involved moving a MUCH smaller building. Keep the history whenever possible.

That Girl, Ang

OMGosh - thank you!!! I just had a more recent visit to the Thrill late July '09.... I haven't gotten around to posting the pictures.. but perhaps I will work on that tonight...

Thanks again!



Great combination of the two E words.
What a story! Dramatic photos.


Wow! What a job that must be...I've often wondered how hard it would be to move a house - this one looks difficult, for sure. Too bad the jail must be expanded.


fantastic. I love the photographs that come under the. . . not something you see everyday category.

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