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« West Market Street United Methodist Church | Main | The People's Market and Gardens in Glenwood Neighborhood »

Monday, August 17, 2009


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That is genius!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love that photo! The girl is hot and the sign is perfectly fitting! Car wash, baby! Great!
My Mom is using net translator now - but is still not brave enough to write with it :) May be soon. I am encouraging her, but she takes the blogging world one step at a time :) It makes her very happy though! Bulgarian and Russian are both Slavic languages and are close.


What a fun shot. I love it.

Sistertex - Spacial Peepol

Love the photo. Captures everyday life at its best I think.


Very interesting photo! Quite an eye you have.


Puts some zing in chore.

Medical not military. Chest clinics were in the forefront of a different war - against TB. Unfortunately they no longer exist.


great capture and the sepia tones add a beautiful touch


look more fun than work :)


I love it! Hope she got the rythm in the legs!



This is so perfect with the shadows and the words and the silhouettes and everything. I love it!


Beautiful!!! Lovley capture!

Gunn White

Well seen and well done!;-)

Bill B

How does that song go? "At the car wash, yea..."


Wonderful .. even in sepia (not my favorite tone) ... ;-D

Greensboro Daily Photo

Sepia is not usually my favorite tone, but some photos scream black & white, some scream "in living color" and some just need to be warmed up with sepia. Thank heaven for editing software!


Two words: simply fantastic!

Samantha ~ Holly @ Zac ~

Nice shot, i will have to remember the dance thing..lol


There's a lot happening in that photo and you captured it all perfectly with the sepia effect!


That church I posted is in Mathews, VA ... I dont have your email .. of you send it to me its easier for me to reply to your comments!


Great shot - very artistic!


Stunning shot and great captured!


Looks like she is doing a little Salsa to me :)

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