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« The Biltmore Hotel in Downtown Greensboro | Main | Biscuitville-- Fast. Friendly. Fluffy. »

Sunday, August 09, 2009


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I'm glad you included some arches.
That's interesting about the palm tree and hardiness zones.


I really like "framed" photos. Very nice!


What a lovely church... yard?


I am not sure if you accept blog awards - I would like to pass one to you - you can pick it at my blog! I enjoy your blog!


When I first looked at this picture I thought that it reminded me of a monastery. And then I read the post and you mentioned the peaceful feeling of the place and I knew that I was on the right track.

Thanks for including the info about the palm trees - very interesting.


Funny name for a church. Funny that those palm trees are "thriving." 1756, you said? Gadzooks, those Presbyterians just won't go away, will they. Well, give 'em another hundred years or so...then we'll see!


I love the view through the archway. That's amazing to me to see a mature palm outdoors in this part of NC. My monochrome shot this week is one of my Greensboro shots.

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