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Thursday, July 02, 2009


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Yep, so much good goes on in "the between." If we can just get it all together ...
Has it been only half a year? It seems like your blog has been part of our blogging life forever. :) Wish you many years of happy posting.


congratulations on completing 6 months! hope you have many more!

your posts are truly wonderful!


congratulations on your six months of gdp!
great post to celebrate with.


You were right, Jan — I love this post! The art in the display is so fun and colorful, but the idea of a Teachers' Supply Warehouse is even more catching — I think it's a great idea!

Congratulations on your half-year blog birthday! Gosh, time goes by sooo fast! Looking forward to more of your beautiful and thoughtful posts!


Hey Greensboro - we share a birthday! Have a good one. Wishing you many happy returns. And wowsa, what a nice looking ampersand.

Jordan Jennings

I'm a proud alumni of Weaver Academy (though it was Weaver Education Center when I was there, '01). It was an essential component to my early creative years and is a true asset to the young people of Greensboro.

Once again, keep up the great work with the site.

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