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Monday, July 13, 2009


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And it's all free? Too good to be true.

leif hagen

A stitch in time . . . . looks like an interesting museum!


Yes, we do have agood bunch, don't we.
There was an error in your Linky URL which I have corrected.
A dream of a job, as you say.


Quilting is a mystery for me - it is so beautiful and gives such a feeling of being nice and cozy, wrapped up and at home! Very interesting! I didn't know about the museum - passed High Point few times on my way to Charlotte. The only thing I knew was - it is Fantasia Barino's home town! I like history museums - it is much more interesting to see actual people presenting the crafts. Her outfit is very beautiful!


Interesting post and a great shot. This shot looks like it is a slice of history not a contemporary shot of a quilter. I love the feel of it.


Wonderful portrait . it tells a story, my fav sort of shot

Teresa Loflin

Thanks for posting such a beautiful photo. The High Point Museum is a local history museum and invite the entire community to visit. I've linked it our facebook page. Thanks again and let me know if I can be of assitance.

Teresa Loflin - Community Relations Director High Point Museum.


I LOVE this portrait!
It tells a story..



Beautiful portrait. Thanks, too, for the fine commentary!


Beautiful subject for monochrome. The white of her cap and blouse really stand out. I also like the old bed in the background . . . completes the scene

Clueless in Boston

Great place for b+w photos. This shot is wonderful and could have been taken anytime in the last 100 years.


I like the tone to this scene. It has that old feel thanks to the black and white, but the scene also feels ...happy or so due to the light. The bed is also a nice touch.

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