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« The Jamestown General Store | Main | UNCG Sapphires: Singing A'Cappella, at Night, in the Rain »

Friday, July 31, 2009


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Hey what a coincidence! You are my skywatch neighbour too today!! :)

Very interesting photo and information.. Thanks for posting.


It is raining cats and dogs every day! I'm too chicken to drive in a heavy rain - if I have to - I do - if I have a chance - beg hubby to drive :) There is so much more to see as a rider :)


Just the kind of rain I hate getting caught in when I'm driving.
Interesting about the fonts - I would assume it was standard across the country - guess I'll check that out and look at what's here when I go out tomorrow. :)
Love your title.


Today was the perfect picture ! I love the rainy sky and I always love to learn about a new to me font!

Lee Spangler

Imagine how it confuses GPS! "I left my heart in Yadkinville...."


that was interesting info re highway font! thank you

Bill B

Well, all I can say is it looks like every day at home during the summer.

Diane AZ

Fascinating image! I didn't know Highway Gothic font has been around that long. Maybe that's why I get a nostalgic feeling when I see those signs.


a very informative and interesting post about fonts and signage. fonts and typography a most interesting subject for me.
enjoyed the post.
have a fab weekend and hope you keep dry :)


It tells the story... pictures are where we find them.


Excellent capture through the windshield! You have another wave of it coming, it's almost on top of us now.

We have the same problem with Hwy 127 in Hickory. The second day I was here, it took me three hours of driving in circles to find my way home from the grocery store. (But I didn't complain much since I found all of the parks and creeks close to my house.) I had no idea that Hwy 127 N. was the same as N. Center St. and 2nd St. N. I finally stopped and bought a map, which lives in my camera bag.

David B

You weren't driving when you took this picture, were you?


Love the mood in this photo. Your other work looks really nice too!


Ahh, rain!
So there is more to road signs than meets the untrained eye, eh?
Thanks for the link to the typography blog, something I will like.

david zen-kennedy

I love interstate road signs. . . Great photo. It's no fun taking the photos if you're driving though.

Greensboro Daily Photo


Rest assured, Mrs. GDP was in the passenger's seat navigating and Mr. GDP was at the helm. I'm the photographer in the family and wouldn't want to compromise safety in the name of a snapshot!

Mrs. GDP!!!

Sally in WA

Great capture. I can just feel the rain.

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