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« Sky over Lyndon Street Artworks | Main | In God We Trust »

Saturday, July 18, 2009


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it's interesting and fun to see what an artist can visualize and pull together. I like his colors as lime green is so hot right now. What am thinking isn't meant to be negative, just constructive...june don't care for the artwork on wall, as being an avid CSI fan, the paintings reminds me of a crime scenes.


Sorry for the error in above comment...was supposed to read...
"just don't care for the artwork on the wall."


I find this most interesting! One must have a creative bent to "see" how discarded items can be turned into "art" or something utilitarian.

I've not heard of such a place where people leave discards for artists to use but it's a terrific idea.

This is also a very nice portrait of a nice-looking man.

Thanks, Jan, for your comment on Ocala DP. I liked the story of how you and your friend exchanged cards over the years. I don't feel sorry at all for HallMark -- their prices have gone crazy!

Re: the flowers...they have some beautiful arrangements at Publix, so why not share them ... what the heck, some people might even be encouraged to buy one the next time they're in a Publix Supermarket.

Have a great Sunday!

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