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« Fishing and Boating on Lake Higgins | Main | Singing in the I-40 Rain! »

Thursday, July 30, 2009


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Bill B

Looks like a trip back to the '50s. Not that I remember them, of course.

Gunn White

Nice photo (again)
I am thinking of several films...."Saturday night fever" is one of them..... :-)


Woo, you could play giant chess on that floor.
Oldtiques? Is that a real word? New to me.

David B

Awesome capture of lights and color!


Thanks for your very interesting comment just now. Meanwhile I found a website where we can hear Lamentations chanted: http://virtualcantor.com/tbav.htm.

Sure, I would never miss your Sunday posts.

Jane Mitchell

Oldiques! You've just coined a much-needed word. It aptly defines those old things that are not yet, and may never be, antiques. I first read it as "oddiques" which is another coinage we ought to have in the dictionary. JTM


Just excellent...not only because it stirs ancient memories, but the photo captures that 50s ambiance...and the colors and lines are striking!


This reminds me of "soda shops" of my youth...well, actually I was very young then:) I'm not sure what "oldtiques" are, but I think I have several of them around my house.


Nice place! The colors are so fresh - bold red and yellow on classic checker - fabulous!


PS - love the blurring - very dreamy - like from a movie!


I'll have a chocolate malt and hot dog, please! Great photo - it belongs in a magazine. In fact, the Jamestown General Store should display it on the home page of their website.


Love this shot!

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