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« Lyndon Street Artist: Dai Rees | Main | Blandwood Mansion »

Sunday, July 19, 2009


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Bill B

Nicely done.


This is one amazing shot!!
Sometimes I think God helps photo bloggers by putting them in the right place at just the right time.


Happy Sacred Sunday! What a great capture; lots to ponder.


I was so impressed with this picture that I had to refer to it on my post today.


And FA is right--you should have a caption "contest" for the photo. :)

Greensboro Daily Photo

Dear FA:

Thank you for the link and the recognition for "Sacred Sunday" on GDP. Not that we photobloggers live for praise; however, at times one wonders if others are looking, appreciating, understanding...........

We're trying to maintain "Sacred Sunday" photos for the Sundays of 2009 and hoping that people of all belief systems will appreciate the time for reflection. At least we can count on you and Dina (Jerusalem Hills Daily Photo)!


That's a great shot. Very well done!


And the ladder seems leaning on thin air, a trick due to the white wall paint? Someone up there is holding the ladder so the painter can finish his chore.


I don't know about God, but I think he's probably trusting the ladder...'cause if it should somehow fail he's gonna crash to the ground...

Nicely-composed shot, for sure!

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