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Wednesday, July 29, 2009


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Beautiful reflections in your photo. I like your last paragraph of description.


Greetings from your Watery Wednesday neighbor :)

What a wonderful lake..This reminds me the lake I used to row every evening :)


Hi me again.

The link to that 'lake' is shown with my blog name below.

Just click n see :)


The water is so peaceful - like a mirror for the nature's green! Where were you when you took that pick - were you walking on water :) Great point to get the best of the scene!


Wanted to ask - is this a bird house on that stick? My guess is it is not a mail box.


lovely color green



Ginger~Wilimington, NC

I also enjoy learning new things about my area, when making my blog posts. This looks like a cool and quiet spot to spend a summer day.


What a great photo!!


First off, lovely shot!
That guy has a lot of equipment with him, no?
And yeah, it's great to learn something new every day about the area you live in, no?
(Well, at least you can read the information you find, grin).
I like your description of the nature sounds too.
Here you can add some cows, depending on where you are at at the lakes :)

Thanks for the sweet feedback on my articles too!


Wonderful photo!

Mine is here

East Gwillimbury WOW!

I sure am glad I don't need to worry about being fish #6001. LOL Nice photo!


This photo almost looks like a painting. Wonderful composition and serene setting. I love the birdhouse and the little splashes of color from the flowers. Lovely!


Too bad for fish number 6,001! LOL. Great shot. Nice post.


There is nothing wrong with this photo...it's excellent. I like the reflections most...looks the boat is frosted with Cool-Whip!

I could spend many happy hours at Lake Higgins, I think!

Thanks for your kind words on Ocala DP; and for the link!

Lee Spangler

Wow, such clear pictures. I can feel those bass lurking in and on the edges of those lilypads!

Dan Thompson

Wish I was there.
The bird house is a nesting box for wood ducks.

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