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Sunday, July 26, 2009


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Nikki Beaumont

I really like your take on this church with its blue door. It is funny because it looks like two photos melded together since the new part of the church is a slightly different shade. Very cool!


With a long-time, in-depth acquaintance with Lutheranism in all its forms, I love this "unaltered Augsburg confession" bit...

Is this still an independent group or part of others who follow the "unaltered" thingy?

Nice shots and an interesting building.


This community must treasure their history since they appreciate the original design of their church. Although probably a very poor start it appears that they are now thriving, while appreciating their humble beginnings.

Happy Sacred Sunday!

Greensboro Daily Photo

Are there some Lutherans, ESPECIALLY Ebenezer Lutherans in Greensboro who could help us out a little here and provide a more info on the church? In the meantime GDP readers, we'll ask around. Love our city and love posting something spiritual on Sunday. However, we just don't know it all! However, love the fact that people care enough to ask questions!!


The architecture of this church is magnificent! The blue are very unique but I think I like the original entry better. I just love the shaker shingles and the multi-color brick. Great shot!


I have not been the most "active" member of Ebenezer, but can tell you it is a wonderful church. Pastor Dan has been there for about 30 years I believe, and now we have a new assistant Pastor too. The church is a healthy size and a good mix of young families, singles, elderly, students from UNCG, etc. In recent years they have restored the inside of the original building - the chapel with the blue doors. You really should ask to see the inside - it has been lovingly restored with beautiful artwork and wood work. The chapel is most often used for small services and Bible Study classes. If you do go inside to see the chapel, also go into the main sanctuary and when halfway down the aisle turn around and look back. The brick wall is very unique. My son loves to look at it during services. The main sanctuary has a very large pipe organ, sometimes it is rather deafening actually. They are having problems with it - but keep repairing it as the estimates to replace it were extremely high. The church is very musically inclined - services are frequently accompanied by the Market Street Brass, violins, flutes, etc - and a bell choir. They are hosting an annual Oktoberfest soon, open to the whole community, neighbors frequently join in for great german food! And lastly, the best time to visit the church - in mid December, it is breathtaking. We were married in the church on 12/28...we saved a lot of money on flowers and were surrounded by greenery, candles, and gorgeous poinsettias. I know they'd love visitors, even just ones to take pictures - they are very happy to show visitors around, so don't hesitate to ask!

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