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Saturday, July 04, 2009


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Bill B

Some people's legacy is not as far reaching as others but every bit as important.


This entire post — the image and your text — brought out both sadness and joy in me.

Happy Independence Day!

Jane Mitchell

You couldn't have chosen a better posting for today. I can still see Santa standing in front of his highly decorated house on cold winter evenings, distributing candy to children in cars passing by. This is very moving to those of us who remember him through the years. JTM


Yeah, honk for the memory of a good man this 4rth!


Happy 4th of July, wonderful post!


Happy 4th of July!

david zen-kennedy

I'm so glad I found your site - this is a wonderful photo and a marvelous story. Happy fourth.

Ben Moore

I would like to see Roger or Jacky wear the Santa suit and carry on the tradition.

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