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Thursday, July 23, 2009


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indeed very heartening to note and interesting too!


That is one talented beekeeper. Great shot of the tree - so tall!

Bill B

Glad they didn't simply nuke them. I remember a couple of years ago, the bee population was declining. Hope that's not the case anymore.


That is an absolutely fascinating story! I'm glad they managed to save the bees and the trees. Wonderful!


This was an interesting post. Amazing what can be done when people care enough and take the time. So wonderful that the bee colony could be relocated.

mary taitt

cool story about the beees! Neato! My next door neighbor raised beees.

I've been away for a couple days at a retreat working on my novel and do not have internet access so I missed your message and I am not sure when yr coming. or if you already did.

Jan--I live on the est side of Detroit and generally head North, so I do not go south and west that much and haven't lived here too long, and I don't know if you want parks or human type stuff.

If, from the airport you go west on I 94 and then south on 275, there are a series of Metroparks that are nice: Lower Huron, Willow and Oakwoods, and then Lake Erie. If you haven't gone yet, you can look them up online.

If you have time for a detour, and can go into town, see the RENAISSANCE CENTER, the river walk, and Belle Isle. Centennial park is right there, too, with it's small lighthouse, and ruins nearby to explore. And you could go see the Heidelberg project. These however would require a detour into town.

Most of my favorite places to go for photos are to the north or northwest.

Hines park isn't far from the airport--it's an odd long park, there are a few spots worth photographing. If you have not gone yet and want more info--let me know.

mary taitt

Kensington Metropark is really "swell," as is Cranbrook, the Zoo, the cultural center.


Amazing story, and I've not heard about it. So glad that everything is going to bee okay!


I'm late reading this info, but just glad of the outcom, relocating the bees to perhaps a better place.


Not a job for me, but I'm glad somebody did it! Great!


Greeting. The first precept was never to accept a thing as true until I knew it as such without a single doubt.
I am from Dominican and bad know English, tell me right I wrote the following sentence: "Jen is regular, standardized, and successfully a however better region than sam."

Waiting for a reply :D, Charla.

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