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Tuesday, June 30, 2009


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Swimming is one of the great low-impact sports. Looks like a nice pool.

We're working on ours...the chemicals went haywire for some reason. Not fun.


I like this shot so much. Swimming is a great way to stay fit and is also fun.


What a great shot and fun competition! let me grab my swimming suit :)

Sylvia Kirkwood

Great shot! And a great way to stay in shape!


Hi Jan, I've popped over here from your visit to my blog (thanks for that!) Your photography is STUNNING! Thanks for sharing all these beautiful images. I'll be back for more. Jo, South Africa


I just love big blue pools! :)


Great shot - I think your world looks pretty refreshing! Thanks for stopping by today to see my world :-)


A great collection of hunks!


It's boiling hot here, 90° in the bedroom, how I wish I could jump in there NOW!

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