This Sunday, we offer a view of St. Mary's House. They bill themselves as "a diverse and inclusive Episcopal Church community welcoming people of all ages, races, marital status, sexual orientation, and previous church experience." St. Mary's is located at 930 Walker Avenue on the corner of Tate Street. Located just a block from UNCG and Greensboro College, St. Mary's is a perfect place for college students who find themselves away from home and wanting to be part of a religious community, particularly one that won't be overly judgmental and dogmatic. The dynamic, little blue house also serves as a community center. In the early 1900's, St. Mary's was established as a church on campus for women attending State Normal and Industrial College (now UNCG) and Greensboro College.
How sweet~
Must have been donated ...would assume it was once a fmaily home.
Posted by: June | Sunday, June 21, 2009 at 07:49 AM
Hey iJune! Thanks for the comment. Actually, the building, when established as a chapel in the early 1900's looked more like a church and less like a house. The building was deconsecrated in 1920 so that it could be used for social gatherings. To that end, a kitchen was added and the steeple was removed.
We took today's photo on "garbage day" for the College Hill neighborhood, not the best day to snap curbside photos. Perhaps these is some deep meaning to cleaning up, unloading the trash, and starting the week with an unburdened soul.
In 2006, Rev. Charlie Hawes retired as chaplain having served for 22 years. We hope the new chaplain has an equally long and fruitful tenure there.
Posted by: Greensboro Daily Photo | Sunday, June 21, 2009 at 08:33 AM
What a nice picture and a nice post! I'm so glad to hear of an Episcopal group striving for inclusion and not exclusion...our large Episcopal church split after a zillion years over the gay thing...all kinds of heartache with that...
By the by...if you'd send me an e-mail, I shall attempt to provide you with the means of "painting" a photo via Photoshop...
Have a great day!
Posted by: Jacob | Sunday, June 21, 2009 at 09:52 AM
Yeah, I can see how this building would not be too scary for the unchurched to enter first time.
Posted by: Dina | Monday, June 22, 2009 at 07:26 AM
A member of St. Mary's House just sent me the url for this photo. As the chaplain who followed Charlie at St. Mary's House, I hope I have a long and fruitful tenure here as well.
SMH is primarily a campus ministry, currently serving students at four campuses in Greensboro, primarily UNCG and Guilford College. Our 11am service is a fairly traditional Episcopal service with a congregation of students, active and retired faculty, and community members. At 6pm on Sundays, we have a service aimed at students, followed by an open dinner; students do not have to worship with us to enjoy a meal with us!
Posted by: Kevin Matthews | Tuesday, September 01, 2009 at 10:17 AM