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Monday, June 29, 2009


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That's so great to see a family business like that surviving for so long. I like the shot too. Works so well in monochrome.


Jewelry! Great topic - my heart beats fast - beautiful place - grand frame to showcase all the bling we the girls totally deserve :)


a stunning perspective!


I was wondering where the jewelry was. I'm glad you explained it. In black and white it does make it look like an old photo.


With this in black and white, I can certainly imagine people walking in here with clothing specific to the turn of the century while their buggy waits outside.


True old world class.

David B.

The ceiling molding and the upper windows, great architecture.

Samantha ~ Holly & Zac ~

Great shot, looks very old worldly...


What a neat glimpse into the quiet time of what I expect is a busy place


This jewelery store is absolutely enormous too!


Wow, that looks like a great shop! Are you going to show us some jewels too?

Jane Mitchell

I wouldn't call what comes from Schiffman's as bling It is where people go who want the finest in jewelry, m gifts, etc. It speaks quality in both merchandise and service.JTM

This Eclectic Life

Black and white does give this photo the look of a century old one. Pearls...yes. I'd shop there in a heartbeat. I like this shot!


Certainly does look like it was taken many years ago, great for mono.


Thanks for trying to visit my mono, i have re-linked.

I thought the shop was empty due to closure...:-/
Nice to think a family and personal touch still exists, and is appreciated by the customers.
Not a common sight just before opening.

p.s. The jewellery must be very expensive to lock it away at night?


There's nothing better than a homegrown family run jewelry business that's been around for decades! Nice shot and the mono really lends it a vintage look...thanks for your visit to my MM...


You're right, this could be taken from a previous century.
It's a beautiful picture in black and white !

Doug H

My aunt worked there for I don't know how long during the '60s and into (I think) the '80s. I don't remember exactly, 'cause I was a kid at the time!

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