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« Sandra W. Bradshaw | Main | Scarecrow on Pleasant Ridge Road »

Tuesday, June 09, 2009


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Greensboro Daily Photo

We just realized that the posts of the last four days involve writing in the pictures.

Tomorrow's post, a trip to a more rural part of Greensboro, has no writing but it does have something that serves as a symbol, sends a message to people who see it. Can you guess what it is?

Stop back tomorrow to see!

Jane Mitchell

We are very proud of our new ballpark. It is appreciated by all ages for good wholesome entertainment. JTM


Lovely post!


Never heard of the Grasshoppers, but this is a cool landscaping idea. :) Hello from Walla Walla Valley Daily Photo!


The baseballs are great. Do the kids climb on them so they can fall off and break a leg?

Felix Chesterfield

What do you know about the Greensboro Grasshoppers for Greensboro attractions ?

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