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Friday, June 05, 2009


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A beautiful cemetery and a lovely photo. Thanks for sharing it.


Obelisk in NC! That is a find - espesialy since the theme of the Day is Egypt. I live in Raleigh, NC - like Mojo


hello SW neighbor!! wonderful sky view.
I am always impressed by the way people in the west maintain a cemetery, so beautiful, historical and a nice place to visit. In my place it is a complete different story.
Thank you for dropping by.
Have a great weekend.

Sally in WA

I actually like walking through old cemeteries. The history you find there can be amazing. Thanks for sharing this.

Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA

This reminds me of a great cemetary I saw once in Peru outside of Lima. Very nice photo.


That is one tall obelisk!
It's good to be a "fan" of old cemeteries.

Guy D

Great photo, thanks for sharing.

Have a great weekend
Regina In Pictures


I like these monuments and statues in old European and American cemeteries. They're very interesting. Ours only have mausoleums or marble tiles on the ground to mark most graves.


A cemetry skywatch, well done, very good composition!!

Have a nice Skywatch Friday

Greetings from the Netherlands


Cemeteries are great places to wander and learn. This is a beautiful shot. I recently spent a few days in Washington DC and took my first trip to Arlington National Cemetery. Truly sacred ground. It was amazing. Thanks for sharing this wonderful image!


That is sucha powerful image and the sky so beautiful and light.


That's a beautiful shot at the cemetery and an interesting post too. I hope you have a great weekend.


It's a shame that modern cemeteries are such uniform, dull collections of brass plaques and plastic flowers. I've always loved old graveyards, and this one's beautiful. My mother used to visit the local cemetery first whenever she came back to the states from overseas; she wanted to see who was new in the "neighborhood" and to muse on old friendships. Thanks for posting this shot!


wow! gorgeous shot! There is something about cemeteries that is so peaceful to me. Maybe it's the sky & greenery. Whatever the case, this is lovely!


Nice sky and such overpowering monuments to the dead, some of them look more like a guilty conscience than love to me.

 Jo, retired teacher

Thank you for stopping by my SkyWatch post, and for your kind words about my family. That was very thoughtful of you.

Janis Dority

What a lovely Cemetery ! It is unfortunate that due to lawn mowers "Memorial parks" are the norm now. An old cemetery full of uprights is a fine thing, beautiful photo!

lisa mertins

when i first saw the image i thought it might be in asia somewhere. it definitely has that feel thanks to the obelisk. thanks for sharing this.

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