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Saturday, June 06, 2009


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I´ve used whatthefont.com for identifying fonts.It´s not always accurate but sometimes the match is perfect. Usually these very old fonts don´t have any exact match as they were probably drawn by hand and they were not from one font set to begin with.


Thanks for the plug, GDP. And now the gauntlet has been thrown...

Closest match (though by no means a perfect one) is EF Nevison Casual, a font designed in 1967 by T. Nevison. Central Steel looks like they've been around for about 100 years, but I wonder if this warehouse was put up in the late sixties, then given a "hip" new trendy font to go with it.

I'll have to try whatthefont sometime. I usually go through identifont.com, will find some vague resemblance, and then find myself hooked on an obsessive online hunt till I find what I'm looking for. But what I dream of is having access to the sorts of archives you can see at Hoefler & Frere-Jones in the Helvetica documentary. I'm a dusty old library type researcher myself. I just use the internet 'cause, you know, it's a convenient bad habit.

Great post!

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