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« Habitat Restore, High Point Road Continued.......... | Main | The Green Bean Coffee House »

Friday, May 22, 2009


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I love the colours in the stone bridge...gorgeous..

I expect to see Gandalf riding into the shot, any moment :-)

Great photo !!


Isn't it amazing what you can do with a few stones?!
The shape looks like the fish symbol.

Yesterday I saw a sign in the window of a tourist bus parked on Mt. Herzl: Bnai Shalom School, Greensboro. Is that YOUR Greensboro? I thought of you and wanted to take a picture, but had to hurry to the memorial ceremony. Small world.

David C.

Very nice photo! The colors and textures of the bridge are very cool.

Greensboro Daily Photo

YES, yes, yes, Dina! It was OUR Bnai Shalom School. Very small world! I can't wait to tell them this story!!!!


Simply gorgeous.

Bill B.

I agree with everything you said.


I love this shot. Stone bridges are so romantic looking to me.

Jane Mitchell

Starmount was the first home of the Greensboro Greater Open--back when Sammy Snead played here. Yes, the same Sam Snead wh who was the pro at The Greenbrier! JTM


I'm not, as a rule, fond of American golf courses (I prefer mine rugged and less pristine--like the originals in Scotland), but this one looks really enticing. I don't even play golf--just love to watch the game, but this locale's kind of tempting. The sky aspect's just fine, too--how better to show off the blue than having it just be there over the nifty bridge and the course?


Love it. It certainly does look centuries old.

Sally in WA

Beautiful stone bridge. You captured the colors perfectly!


Bad memories. Had my wedding reception there 30 years ago.


This view was definitely worth a visit.
lovely stone work.


Beautiful! Both the lush greenery and the stone bridge!


Hi sky watch neighbor...thanks for stopping by. I equally enjoyed your post! Great shot, I love the stone work! :) Happy Friday.

studio lolo

it's a beautiful shot, especially including the bridge. Wonderful stone work!
There are no boring skies :)

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