This bouquet of roses was picked from our yard. We are enjoying our roses now before the june beetles descend and start devouring them. Roses like the nutrients in Greensboro's clay, as long as it is augmented with other types of soil. We just purchased another rose bush and have vowed to learn more about keeping them healthy.
In Greensboro, we are lucky to have NCA&T University to help with our horticultural needs. Nearby, we have Sandhills Community College and NC State University. These institutions can provide as much advice as you need on growing roses. If you are local and your knowledge of roses is limited, you might want to read this short article, Roses for North Carolina.
Wouldn't that make a great book title?
Gorgeous bouquet!
Posted by: RamblingRound | Wednesday, May 27, 2009 at 06:48 AM
WOW! You have a special talent to have such success with roses. Beautiful!
Posted by: June | Thursday, May 28, 2009 at 06:25 AM
Please tell me you have an expensive camera?
Just Beautiful!!
I am all about roses and I hope you have double knock outs too.
Thank you and Happy Planting
Posted by: Diana Gardner-Williams | Monday, September 14, 2009 at 09:23 PM