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Friday, May 29, 2009


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this really is a great catch, perfect for skywatch. hopefully, you'll get used to the planes in no time. I live near an airport & sometimes it can be annoying, but most of the time I don't notice the noise. & I like the shot of your teal house too.

Sally in WA

Great shot. I enjoy airplanes and spent several of my early years in the flight path of what is now Baltimore-Washington International Airport. And my dad was an air traffic controller. So planes are in my blood. Working across the street from a small airport has brought me many smiles the past several years.

Guy D

great shot of the cargo jet landing over the highway, love it.

Have a great weekend.
Regina In Pictures


That is a magnificent sky. I love Susie's stuff too. A brilliant sfaety sky.


Great capture! And I'm so glad to hear that you weren't driving! ;)

Many Filipinos were devastated when FedEx transfered its Asia hub to China last February.


What a great catch! I would have been a bit afraid! That is too low....But I like the sky! :) Looks like rain could come at any time!

I live at the top of a 13 floor building, and lot of planes fly over my house. One saturday there was a small (but much bigger than a Cessna) plane flying over Oslo several times. At last it came to my houe. It passed my house så close - and I looked at it directly from my window - and I saw the skincolor on the pilot!! A bunch of guys playing football on the arena below me, stopped playing - in horror!

I called the right athority! That was too close (6 months after Twin Towers 9/11). They assured me it was not dangerous, it was a plane taking pictures of the landscape...How the h.... was I to know!

Thanks for visiting, and your nice comment! Of course I leave comments! That is the least one could do participating! :)

David Burke

Your best work seems to be pictures of the skies. I've noticed that you get more comments on those. That should be your first book.
That is unless you've already done a book.


That's a beautiful sky shot. I know what you mean about balancing environmental impact with economic benefit.

I am the same way about shooting out of a car. I try to do it when someone else is driving as I did with the shot on my post. Occasionally, I will take a snap from stop lights or even blind shots where I'm stuck in traffic and I snap a shot without looking at the camera. I've stopped doing that though for the most part as it really isn't safe to have the distraction. Much better to save car photography for when I'm a passenger.

I hope you have a great weekend.


Great catch! =)


What a great shot!

Jane Mitchell

To give a different reaction to this photo, I like that it appeals to the Skywatch Friday folks as well as to the Greensboro citizens who take pride in the progress that FedEx provides. JTM


Hey sky watch neighbor.
Thanks for blogging by me. That's a nice shot... I'd just hate to live underneath that flight pattern.


Debbie@Like a Rose

Wow, nice capture!

susie of arabia

It's a great shot and a beautiful shot. Good thing you had a passenger to capture it!
Thank you for the mention. I am not allowed to drive here as women are forbidden from driving, but even when I'm in the states, I never take photos while I'm driving either!!!


Nice going! Especially through a car windshield. Great sky shot! We lived under a flight pattern in Fort Lauderdale and it wasn't fun...FedEx has a big operation there, too, but the ones above us were mostly commercial airliners.


Cool Shot! And I guess a debatable predicament with the Fed Ex sorting area, yes the economy may benefit, but then there is the environmental issue. That is a tough one...


Great capture! Glad to hear you weren't shooting and driving. :)


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