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« Putt Putt Golf on High Point Road | Main | Habitat Restore, High Point Road Continued.......... »

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


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Bill B.

It is a beautiful structure. It would be a shame to loose it.

David Burke

Incredible building. Worth saving.


With such beautiful stonework, I am so glad the demolition family doesn't want to demolish it!


Head over to the DH Griffin Wrecking Yard on Hilltop road and get a photo of a section of one of the WTC main support beams they have on display in the parking lot.


I would never have guessed what this fine looking building. Definitely one to not for the wrecking ball.


Styles... Stiles?... Isn't that the name of an Agathe Christie "venue"?

J Bar

Very interesting style.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

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